The Plot To Steal Joy: Day 11
Day 11 Unfolds:
What you want isn't what you want.
What you want isn't shiny, expensive or showy.
What you want doesn't yell for attention.
What you want isn't the social commodity of cash, credit and career.
What you want doesn't shout from the mountaintop.
What you want is something deeper.
It's a still, quiet voice that nudges you gently; so still and quiet you often overlook its importance.
What you want is a deep connection with people that loves and a community that cares.
No amount of cash, assets, riches, fame or success could replace the innate desire within each and everyone of us for love and community.
I've been there. I've groveled in lack. I've found comfort in abundance. Yet I found no joy in either.
Instead, I've found joy in a purpose-driven life surrounded by a healthy, sincere and caring community.
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