The Plot To Steal Joy: Day 10
The American River is known for the discovery of gold in 1848 that started the California Gold Rush. Today, the river still has high quality water, and it is the main source of drinking water for Sacramento, the capital of California.
Day 10 Unfolds:
There comes a time when you’re tired of not being good enough no matter how hard you try.
There comes a time when you’re tired of trying and failing over and over.
There comes a time when you wanna stop trying altogether.
Take a day’s break and resume trying tomorrow.
Because something is about to happen.
How so?
Because nothing lasts forever. Not the current challenges. Not the current difficulties. Not the current discomfort. Not your failures.
As long as you keep trying, something WILL change.
I can’t guarantee you will be perfect. But I can guarantee you will get better.
How do I know? Because I speak from experience. I was there. I wanted to stop trying. But I didn’t. And something changed, for the better.
Need more convincing? How about this story by Napoleon Hill in his book, Three Feet From Gold. Caught by the gold fever in the gold rush days, a man went to work digging the ground and struck gold. He kept digging and made a huge killing. Soon the mine dried up, and though he kept digging, found no more gold. Despaired, he gave up, sold his machinery to a junk man and went home. The junk man engaged a mining engineer to look at the field and found that just three feet away from where the first man was digging, was fresh veins of gold! Had the first man kept digging, he would have struck fresh veins of gold! Alas, he gave up too quickly!
When you most feel like giving up, that is the time not to. Because you are literally inches away from the breakthrough you’ve been working so hard for. Stay the course, my friend. Keep digging. Keep trying.
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