The Plot To Steal Joy: Day 8
Day 8 Unfolds:
It’s been two months since I listed my house for rent. It’s a beautiful home in a nice neighborhood. All appliances are brand new. The price is reasonable. While I have been believing for good tenants, the lack of such prospect was starting to wear me down.
And then I remembered:
“Do not be weary in doing good for in due season…” (Gal 4:9) → Due season spells time, or the passing of time. And the passing of time spells patience.
“Be anxious for nothing…” (Phil 4:6) → Nothing means absolutely nothing.
When the going gets rough, counter each negative thought with a positive thought.
Fact: I am weary of hoping.
Faith: I am hopeful.
Fact: I am anxious about not securing a good tenant.
Faith: The right tenant will come along soon.
No, it's not blind faith. It's steadfast faith that turns things around. Change happens inside out. Everything that manifests in reality is a result of a change in our thoughts and perspective.
Counter negative with positive. That’s how you steal joy back when you are weary of hoping and anxious about the lack of provision.
The score today?
Joy: 1. Anxiety: 0.
P/S: I’m looking forward to sharing good news concerning securing a good tenant in days to come!
Ring Mountain in Tiburon, Marin County, California. Ring Mountain is named after George E. Ring, who served as a Marin County Supervisor from 1895 to 1903.
I love huge rocks, hills and mountains - to me, they signify steadfastness.