The Plot To Steal Joy: Day 4
Day 4 Unfolds:
There’s a caution on airlines that got many first time hearers surprised. Really? Take care of myself first? But we’ve always been taught to put others first. No, the airlines insist, in the event of an emergency, pull out the life vest from under your seat and put it on yourself first before attending to a young child if you’re traveling with one. Yes, take care of yourself first, and only after you’ve done that do you care for a young child or someone else in need.
We got to first feed ourselves before we can feed others. We got to first prosper on the inside before we can bless someone else.
For over six months I’ve neglected feeding my soul with what has always been important to me. You see, for as long as I can remember, I’ve always been active. Not a day goes by without me doing one form or another of physical exercise. I was a hyper child and couldn’t sit still. I played all sorts of sports in school. In the past seven years I’ve raced several marathons and triathlons, rode across America and rode around Ireland. A recent change in living arrangement had me focused on getting that bit of my life in order. I didn’t have the bandwidth to fit in even a short workout. The past months’ rainy and cold season dampened my spirit and discouraged any thought of working out.
Soon I noticed a change within me. I lost my joy. I felt my soul die a little on the inside everyday. I thought no problem, I’ll just counter this with writing more. Because I love to write, don’t I? Keep writing and I’ll be alright. Except I wasn’t alright. I sunk deeper into a black hole of lifeless living.
A timely text from a new friend in my new neighborhood came to my rescue. I accepted the invitation because I knew I had to get outdoors to “feed my soul”.
Today I dusted a layer of dirt off my bike and equipments and got out to ride. The sunshine welcomed me with her warmth. The lush green carpet of fauna on the mountainous rolling terrain cheered my spirit. The excellent company of my new friend and his wife filled me with love and acceptance.
My shriveled soul is now watered and full.
Today's score?
Joy: 1. Lackluster: 0.
Black Diamond Mines Preserve In Antioch, California is unusually green this time of the year (Feb 2017). This is a rare sight because this area is typically dry, hot and golden brown most months of the year. The recent heavy rainfall has transformed this preserve into the beauty that it now is.