Of Choice, Space and State of Mind
Choice is a powerful thing. It presents hope, options, and freedom. The absence of choice robs liberty which in other words, restraints and limits.
That which restricts choice can either be bad or good. Bad because it dictates autonomy, and autonomy comes from a position of fear of losing control. Good because a restriction of choice forces discipline. If your faith prevents you from having a say or choice in something, the restriction of choice forces you to be exercise discipline of your desire and your flesh to honor the practices of your faith. And discipline is always a good thing, until too much of it backfires and unleashes rebellion for too long a suppressed period. We see this happening in all facets and phases of life of an individual from adolescent exploration to teenage rebellion and adult discontent and mid-life crisis; we see this in oppressed governed nations fighting for their independence.
Choice is likened to Space because the sufficiency of allows room for growth and exploration.
Space is crucial in allowing room for psychological and mental wellness, which creates the foundation for good decisions.
Space → Inner wellness → Foundation for good decisions
The primary ingredient for a healthy state of mind is Space.
A single mother raising two kids in a tiny apartment where she’s paying more than two thirds of her salary for rent has no space, psychological wellness, mental capacity or freedom of choice (options) to make good decisions.
State of mind = mood or mental state at a particular time
This means that different states of mind produces different works and results.
This also means that creativity and productivity has the potential to either grow or diminish exponentially across different states of minds.
Exponential = increase more rapidly
How do you make something grow exponentially?
How do you create exponentiality?
A state of mind is likened to rooms in a building. Each room is filled with different things. One room has books, another bicycles, another beer.
The room with books is visited by readers, writers and poets.
The room with bicycles is visited by cyclists and sports enthusiasts.
The room with beer is visited by people wanting a good glass of beer, social interaction and a place to relax.
Different rooms draw different crowds. Crowds are made up of individuals who bring with them different experiences, stories, wisdom, opinions, judgment, likes and dislikes. The collective energy of the crowd, which is made up of individuals with different offerings creates a vibe within the room which sparks and propels thoughts, ideas, inspiration and actions which often is synonymous to the underlying energy of the crowd.
Focus is extremely powerful because it strips the need to look around and search endlessly.
Focus enables unparalleled concentration which digs deep into the psychological state of mind where creativity and productivity resides.
Can you imagine being able to call upon and to draw deep into each state of mind - the sheer exponentiality of each creativity and productivity catalyzes multiple explosions of mastery.
Original Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash